Embracing the Unknown: Navigating Difficult Conversations

Let’s face it: Most of us don’t relish the thought of difficult conversations. They can be uncomfortable, stressful, and sometimes downright awkward. But as leaders, we can’t afford to shy away from them. They’re crucial for building trust, resolving conflict, and fostering a healthy work environment (Stone, Patton, & Heen, 2010).

What Makes a Conversation “Difficult”?

Read more about using silence in conversations

For our purposes, a difficult conversation is any situation where:

  • The stakes are high.
  • Opinions vary, and emotions might run strong.
  • Both parties need to maintain a working relationship.

Think of those times when you must address a sensitive issue with your supervisor, a colleague, or a Team member. These are the moments that call for a thoughtful and strategic approach.

Four Steps to Navigate Difficult Conversations

I’ve found a simple four-step framework to be incredibly helpful in navigating these situations:

  1. Preparation: This is where the real work happens. Before jumping into the conversation, take some time to reflect on your intentions. Ask yourself:

  • What do I hope to achieve?
  • What outcome do I want for myself, the other person, and our relationship?
  • What are the facts of the situation, and how might a neutral observer view them?
  • What does a successful resolution look like?
  1. Initiation: Set the stage for a productive conversation. Choose an appropriate time and place, and be mindful of your tone and body language. Start by acknowledging the difficulty of the conversation and expressing your desire for a positive outcome.

  2. Discussion: This is where active listening and clear communication are essential. Be sure to:

  • Focus on the issue at hand, not personalities.
  • Use “I” statements to express your perspective.
  • Ask clarifying questions to ensure understanding.
  • Acknowledge the other person’s perspective and emotions.
  1. Conclusion: Summarize the key points discussed and any agreements reached. If necessary, schedule a follow-up conversation to revisit the issue.

Read about not Eff’ing up conversations

Additional Tips for Success

  • Be kind but truthful: Honesty is crucial, but consistently deliver your message with empathy and respect.
  • Ask “dumb” questions: Don’t be afraid to ask seemingly obvious questions. They can often reveal hidden assumptions and lead to deeper understanding.
  • Offer “dumb” suggestions: Brainstorm freely, even if some ideas seem outlandish. You never know where creative solutions might come from.
  • Be willing to do the dirty work: Don’t shy away from tackling the challenging issues head-on.
  • Have the other person’s back: Show them you’re on their side and committed to finding a mutually beneficial solution.

Remember: Difficult conversations are an inevitable part of leadership. By embracing these challenges and approaching them with a thoughtful and strategic mindset, you can transform them into opportunities for growth, development, and stronger relationships.

References: Stone, D., Patton, B., & Heen, S. (2010). Difficult conversations: How to discuss what matters most. Penguin Books.

How Do You Want People to View Your Advice?


As leaders, we give quite a bit of it—so much that we probably don’t think that much about it. We need to think much more about it. We need to consider it in three dimensions: why we are delivering it, how we are delivering it, and what we want people to do with it.

Let’s look at each dimension.

Why Are You Giving Advice?

I believe that whether we are thinking about it or not, every time we give advice to anyone (as a leader, parent, spouse, friend, or stranger), we are considering that advice somewhere on the scale between taking it as gospel (do it exactly like this) and its guidance (here’s something to consider). But these two goals aren’t exact or perfect – instead, we see our advice somewhere on this scale:

In my experience, most leaders consistently place their goal for advice on this continuum, whether based on habit or style or without even thinking.

We call the tension between the ends, both/and thinking, the underpinning of being a flexible leader.

There are times when the context warrants your goal being far to the “gospel” left (when the context is clear and the outcomes and situation are known), and times when perhaps there are many unknowns and your experience might be helpful but should be seen on the “guidance” right side of the scale. Even given those considerations, you might have goals for delegating and developing your Team members, leading you to lean to the right or left on this continuum.

First, I would suggest that you be clear about your intention—why are you giving this advice, and how do you want others to use it? If you don’t think about that, how people interpret your advice will be left to their perception, which might not match your goals or needs.

What Do You Want Them to Do with It?

Your answer to this question flows from your intention. Consider this situation and these two employees. You face an apparent problem. You have seen this situation or challenge before and have successfully overcome it with a specific set of reliable steps.

One has been on your Team for a couple of months. He shows promise but lacks extensive experience and doesn’t know all the players involved in the situation well.

The other has been on your Team longer. She does have experience with this situation. She also shows great promise and is ready for advancement and skill development.

I propose that each employee has different contexts, so your intentions for each differ. Based on this information, even though you have a proven process each could follow, you should have slightly different goals for each.

I might lean the intention of my advice to the left for less experienced – giving him more of a “how to” approach and more to the right for the other – giving her guidance and things to consider.

Note that your current intention concerns your experience and knowledge and how you want others to apply it.

Hopefully, it will be in a way that makes either Joel or Jael crystal clear on your expectations.

How are You Delivering it?

The big idea is that your delivery should match your intention and desired action.

Given your positional power, if you want people to follow your advice verbatim, deliver it clearly and maybe even pointedly. If you have a current approach and want them to follow it, clarify it.

But if you want your advice to be seen as guidance – and more suggestion than imperative – make sure that is clear, too. You will likely want to use a softer tone and delivery as well.

As “the boss,” people may likely default to a “yes, boss” belief about your intent unless you are clear about yourself and with them.

Thanks for reading. Please reply at any time with questions or feedback for our Team.

When you’re ready, here are a few ways we can help:

  1. Work with me 1:1: Book a coaching or strategy session to help you achieve your goals for 2025 and beyond!
  2. Book me for your next keynote or event. This message is not just “another keynote.” It inspires, engages, and accelerates you, your Team, and your organization to success!
  3. Organizational Consulting: I have never met a leadership Team that was too stupid to be successful, but he has met teams that were too dysfunctional to succeed.

    I am a consultant for leaders who want to make their organizations more effective & more robust. And I do two things:

    • I help leadership teams become more robust, better aligned, and clear about their work. I also help develop culture and employees.
    • I help organizations struggling with politics, confusion, morale, productivity, turnover, wasted time, money, and energy.

I really appreciate being constantly reminded of my mistakes! 8 ways to deal with people issues.

I have made a lot of mistakes.

Some of them were pretty spectacular. While formal training, my master’s degree, and supplementary reading have taught me the theory of leadership, my mistakes have taught me more than I care to admit.

My first leadership lesson happened when I was barely six or seven years old. I was a voracious reader, devouring comics, magazines, superhero books, and war stories. The best of all were the Hardy Boys books. I wanted to read every single Hardy Boys story. One day, I went into the drugstore in our small farming village and spotted a Hardy Boys book I didn’t own. I didn’t have the money for it, so I slipped it under my shirt and walked out. On the surface, it was a small act—but however you slice it, it was stealing. 


When I got home, of course, I got caught. A shiny new hardcover book couldn’t just appear in our house without everyone knowing about it. I was taken back to the drugstore to confess to the store owner. My dad waited outside while I went in. I made my way to the rack of books, returned the stolen book to its rightful place, and left. Dad asked if I had spoken to the owner. Keeping my backside in mind, I told him the truth. 


I was turned around on the spot and, once again, escorted back into the store to “face the music.” I admitted my wrongdoing and apologized. To my surprise, the store owner only scolded me gently. More importantly, he thanked me for owning up, returning the book, apologizing, and acting “like an adult.” 


The trip back home felt like my own green mile. I was sure I was heading to the gallows, but it was over—my dad left it at that. Looking back now, I cannot recall ever hearing about the incident again. 


The lesson I learned from that ordeal was this: when something is over and dealt with, it’s done.

Managing Issues Effectively

As a leader, your most frequent challenge will be managing the issues that inevitably arise when dealing with people. Try to remember—and consistently encourage others—to cooperate. Ultimately, your value as a leader will be judged by the performance of the people who make up your Team. And their performance will reflect your total personality, attitude toward life, and particularly your approach to people. Your success or failure will be a direct result of how well you align your organization’s goals with the career goals of your people and deal with any friction caused by misalignment.

The following suggestions will help you achieve results:

  1. Focus your attention chiefly on results rather than the activities you think will get you there. Everything should be about results.
  1. Plan and organize effectively.
  1. Communicate objectives properly, with time targets, established measurement systems, and designated accountability.
  1. Establish performance expectations so all concerned will be focused and will know how their performance will be measured.
  1. Communicate a “results-oriented” attitude to encourage people to develop self-reliance and confidently achieve their goals.
  1. Motivate people to their peak achievement.
  1. Be creative and help others develop their creative potential.
  1. Track all progress so that what is planned is achieved.

Get eight suggestions to improve how you motivate

How Do You Measure Up When It Comes to Issues Management?

Read each statement or question below.

On a scale of 1 to 5, with 1 meaning “never” and 5 meaning “always,” mark an “X” where you think you are today.

Then, mark an “O” where you would like to be.

Consider the above article and commit to one thing you can do to improve your score.

1.     You look for the critical factor(s) that must be changed before anything else can be changed or acted upon to unearth the real problem.

1                        2                      3                      4                     5

2.     You make sure that your problem-solving objectives reflect the organization’s objectives.

1                        2                      3                      4                     5

3.     You consult all who should be consulted before making a decision.

1                        2                      3                      4                     5

4.     You evaluate your decisions by predetermining their possible impact on people and things.

1                       2                      3                      4                     5

5.     You predetermine how long the organization is committed to your decisions.

1                        2                      3                      4                    5

6.     You ensure your decisions do not violate established rules, policies, procedures, good ethics, or morality.

1                        2                      3                      4                    5

7.     After defining and analyzing problems, you develop as many alternative solutions as possible to widen the range of choices before coming to a final decision.

1                        2                      3                      4                    5

8.     You are skilful at timing. You determine whether or not the situation is something urgent requiring quick action or whether long, consistent effort is needed.

1                        2                      3                      4                    5

The Indispensable Chain: Leadership Lessons from the Front Lines of Disaster Response

My recent conversation with Bryndis Whitson on the Zebras to Apples podcast offered a chance to reflect on my experiences in disaster response and the leadership lessons I’ve learned along the way. While our discussion focused on the logistics of emergency preparedness, the insights we shared have broader implications for leadership in any context.

One key takeaway for me is the critical importance of understanding the systems and processes you’re responsible for leading. My experience in the military and with the Red Cross underscored the need for leaders to have a deep grasp of the logistical and operational details of their work. This granular understanding allows for informed decisions, anticipating potential challenges, and effectively managing resources, especially when lives are on the line.

Read More About Human Systems

Another crucial lesson is the power of empathy and human connection. Disasters take a profound toll on individuals and communities, leaving lasting emotional scars. As leaders, we must not only be adept at managing logistics but also demonstrate compassion, understanding, and genuine concern for those affected. This human-centered approach is essential for building trust, fostering resilience, and facilitating recovery.

Clear and honest communication is also vital. In a crisis, people need information and reassurance. Leaders must communicate effectively, providing timely updates, explaining complex situations clearly, and managing expectations. I believe in transparency and honesty, even when delivering difficult news, as this builds trust and empowers individuals to take appropriate action.

Read More About Being the CRO (Chief Reminder Office)

Furthermore, the discussion highlighted the need for adaptability and resilience. Disasters are unpredictable, often requiring quick decisions amidst uncertainty. My experiences emphasize the importance of adapting to evolving circumstances, thinking on your feet, and remaining calm under pressure. Leaders who demonstrate resilience and composure in challenging situations inspire confidence and provide stability for their teams.

Finally, the concept of “wicked problems” offers a valuable perspective for leaders in any field. These are complex challenges with no easy solutions, where every intervention can have unintended consequences. We must recognize the interconnectedness of issues, the potential for ripple effects, and the need for continuous learning and adaptation. This requires a willingness to embrace complexity, experiment with solutions, and learn from both successes and failures.

In conclusion, my conversation with Bryndis provided valuable leadership lessons that extend far beyond disaster response. By cultivating a deep understanding of systems, demonstrating empathy and compassion, communicating clearly and honestly, embracing adaptability and resilience, and acknowledging the complexities of “wicked problems,” leaders can effectively navigate challenges, inspire their teams, and achieve meaningful results in any context.

Listen to my conversation with Bryndis here!

Global Leadership Forecast 2025 – Why would anyone aspire to lead in today’s environment?

DDI, or Development Dimensions International, is a global leadership development consultancy. Founded in 1970, DDI partners I find to be thoughtful and a great resource to leaders who are interested in the BIG picture

DDI’s Global Leadership Forecast 2025 delivers critical insights into today’s top leadership challenges, including bench strength, trust, and CEOs’ top concerns.

In it, they note that the weight of leadership has never been heavier. In a world of constant disruption, from global pandemics to the rise of artificial intelligence, leaders are expected to navigate unprecedented complexities while steering their organizations toward success.  

The old measures of leadership, focused primarily on profitability, are no longer enough. Today’s leaders must also cultivate trust and loyalty among their teams, fostering an environment where employees feel valued and empowered. This means embracing agility, promoting growth, and driving innovation while focusing on achieving business results.  

The role of a leader has become a paradoxical balancing act. They must nurture a human-centred workplace while building a resilient and adaptable Team capable of thriving in uncertainty.  

Yet, amidst these rising expectations, leaders grapple with mounting stress, eroding trust, and a dwindling sense of purpose. This leadership crisis is cyclical, as the increasing demands of the role discourage potential leaders and drive existing ones to contemplate stepping down. The leadership pipeline is thinning at a time when we need effective leaders the most.  

This begs the question: Why would anyone aspire to lead in today’s environment? Our research delves into the challenges and opportunities that define modern leadership. It reveals that organizations prioritizing their leaders’ growth and development reap the rewards of increased engagement, retention, and organizational performance.  

This report offers evidence-based insights to help organizations rethink their leadership strategies. By addressing the pain points of modern leadership and illuminating a path toward a more sustainable and fulfilling leadership experience, we aim to fortify organizational resilience and empower leaders to navigate the complexities of our changing world.

Download Your Copy Of DDI's Global Leadership Forecast

As Curious Leaders, What Are The Right The Questions to Ask

How many open-ended, idea-prompting questions do you ask every day?

Do you ask more questions than you give orders or provide answers?

Recently, I worked with a client, and we explored the vital topic of curiosity as a leadership attribute and questioning as a behaviour.

At the start of the work, most individuals assumed their ratio of questions-to-orders/answers would be high.

Read about why leaders need to be curious.

It was their belief they were curious and used open-ended, provocative questions about customers, markets, competitors, processes and so forth. One manager offered, “It’s my job to help them think about the possibilities, not provide the answers.

Imagine their surprise when a survey of their direct reports demonstrated that their directives and answers significantly outnumbered questions.

I was once called out for blathering instead of listening. I was disappointed to admit that I tended to opine and answer rather than stimulate thinking through listening and questions.

Moving the ratio in the right direction became a developmental exercise for me.

And here’s why I believe this is so important.


Questions are the Seeds of Ideas and Innovations

In a world drunk on the speed of change and filled with uncertainty, the right questions provoke thinking and give way to actions, experiments, and ideas that provoke more questions and beget more ideas.

As the leader, you set the tone for curiosity in your team. Questions free people to think, speculate, and follow threads to strengthen some aspect of the business.

Read about the power of silence in conversations

What Is Your  Ratio?

For the next few days, keep a log of the number of times you ask open-ended, exploratory questions (“Did you finish that work?” doesn’t count!) versus issuing answers or directives.

If your ratio is skewed toward the questions, keep it up. If not, here are some question prompts to put to work as part of your developmental activity.


7 Questions to Stimulate Curiosity on Your Team

1. “What if?”

  • “What if we develop a new product that eats our old one in the marketplace. Will it eat the competitor’s as well?”
  • “What if we changed this process to empower our employees to make decisions directly with customers without seeking approval from a manager?
  • “What if we changed our view of who our real competition is in the marketplace?”

 2. “What do you know that is new?” Former GE Chairman and CEO Jack Welch, upon first meeting someone would ask, “What do you know that is new?” and took the time to listen to the answers.

6 essential questions that are good for children & employees

3. “What do we need to know to make this decision?” Most decision-making processes are fraught with incomplete data, opinions, and biases. This simple question challenges groups and individuals to consider a problem before making an informed choice.

4. “What does this mean for us/our customers?” I use this question liberally when changes in the external environment, industry, or competitor announcements send everyone into panic mode.

5. “How would you approach this situation if you framed it as an opportunity instead of a problem?” This question forces people to move beyond their defensive mode and into the world of possibilities.

6. “What events in markets and technologies will change everything? This question moves people beyond the four-wall and inside-out thinking.

7. “What are the real burdens our customers hire our products to remove?” Reframing questions about what your products and services do to resolve customers’ problems is a great way to rethink your innovation efforts.

 Read about leadership regrets.

Closing Thoughts

If you ask more open-ended, thought-provoking questions, the number of ideas people and teams generate will grow.

Of course, you have to bring those ideas to life.

But for the moment, focus on asking more and directing less.

And see where it takes you.

Remember, your curiosity is contagious.
