Being A Drunk – You Can’t Change Into Being A Better Leader If It Is Counter To Your Values
In the most recent Better Leader Inner Circle, we discussed developing your personal transition plan to become a better leader.
But where you want to end up MUST be aligned with your values.
You see, no one is perfect. Not you, and certainly not me.
None of us is all that we could be. At the core of any successful change is a compelling need to create something different – to move toward something desirable.
I wanted to be better, but my drinking was getting in the way.
My desire to be a more effective leader had to be rooted in values.
Once I understood my values, I used them as the foundation for a Better version of myself.
This is as true for organizational and work cultures as yours.
Hear my story by clicking the video below:
And learn more about when my values clashed with my being better: