5 Behaviours at the Heart of a Great Team
Team dynamics are an important predictor of organizational culture.
Teams that work well together perform better (and they are more fun to be a part of).
To achieve this advantage, teams must master five specific behaviours.
1. Focusing on Achieving Collective Results
Teams can accomplish things that individuals could never do on their own can’t.
So the ultimate measure of success for any team is the results it produces.
2. Holding One Another Accountable
A team can only reach its goals only when everyone does his or her job. Therefore, our ability to achieve collective results is reliant not only on our individual efforts but also on the combined efforts of every team member.
It naturally follows that it is the responsibility of every member of the team to push every other member of the team to do his or her best.
3. Committing to Decisions
There is one simple concept that makes all the difference in the world when it comes to holding another person accountable for something…did the parties commit to the decision in the first place?
If we have not established clarity around our shared expectations and gained agreement on our respective roles and responsibilities, then the idea that we would be willing to hold each other accountable is absurd.
4. Engaging in Conflict Around Ideas
There is a saying that people must “weigh in to buy in.” If we are going to ask all members of a team to truly commit to a shared vision, then we need to be darn sure we get all the ideas (and emotions) out on the table.
And the only way to make sure that all voices are heard is by having the team be collectively willing to engage in healthy and respectful conflict around ideas.
5. Building Trust With One Another
Putting your own ideas out there, especially when they go against “bolder” personalities or the whole group, can be difficult. When team members are fearful of attacks or uncertain about how others will respond, there’s a natural tendency to hold back and just stay quiet and not show vulnerability.
But there is one key element that enables teams to push past the typical discomfort of associated with conflict: it’s called “trust.”
Trust in that my teammates are good, honest and have the best of intentions.
When teams dedicate focused effort on learning to be vulnerable with each other, the result is a domino effect that enables the team to….
Build Trust with One Another, which enables the team to …
Engage in Conflict Around Ideas, which enables the team to …
Commit to Decisions, which enables the team to …
Hold One Another Accountable, which enables the team to …
Focus on Collective Results, which enables the team to…