The Best New Year Letter An Employee Could Ever Write You
Mrs. CEO,
I am one of your employees.
I work in operations, and I don’t have a fancy title.
I like working here, I like what I do, and I love my career. My role here has grown in ways I never expected, and I am thrilled with my job’s direction.
I wanted to write you because I only saw you at last year’s Zoom Christmas party or on the website, but I never had the chance to talk to you.
I understand that you are super busy running the company, travelling, and keeping stakeholders & shareholders happy.
And I didn’t want to come off as a whiner, but I wanted to share a few of the things that I see, but you might not notice:
Corporate Strategy – I know your executive teams think about Strategy from time to time.
But at my level, I know my tasks, but I have no idea how I contribute to the company’s success. When I asked my supervisor, he threw his hands up and said It didn’t matter because Corporate had no idea.
Read why your employees don’t give a rat’s $%^# about your precious Strategy.
Company Values – Our corporate values look good on the banner and the website, but it doesn’t seem to impact me.
There are roadblocks everywhere to getting our work done.
And it seems better to keep our mouths shut than try to tell a supervisor about problems.
Read about values and keeping employees.
Performance – I have been passed over for a promotion several times. It never seems fair because nobody has ever taken the time to explain why.
I want to get promoted or get a raise, but the process seems mysterious, and nobody knows how the system works.
Read about avoiding performance management fails.
Town halls & Teleconferences – I think I know what you are trying to do, but they are hours long and full of last year’s numbers and technical jargon.
Read about how not to screw up talking to your employees
The company you describe in your presentations sounds like Google, and as much as I want to believe your description, it doesn’t feel that way.
I struggle to know why you see a different picture of the company than we do.
I try to have a positive attitude and look for ways to contribute more, but the people I work with are frustrated and discouraged. No one seems to know what is going on, the reorganization a few months ago was nerve-racking, and we are all a bit scared.
I want success for the company because I like it here. But I must admit, I am struggling to understand why our managers are not trained to help us get there.
Maybe you, or some of your executives, could stop presenting to us, stop by the shop floor, talk with us, and listen to us. You might learn that there seems to be something missing because things are not going well at my level.
We like you, the company and our jobs and only want the best for everyone. We need to understand.
Your Worried But Loyal Worker
Written with credit to several online examples