‘The Times They Are A’ Changin’ … 9 Questions To Check If Your Team Is Ready
There is a proverb that teaches that living in interesting times is both a curse and a blessing.
Most of my clients are facing change or a looming disruption, such as the advent of autonomous and electric trucks in the motor transportation industry.
We, the leaders of organizations, invest inordinate amounts of time in looking over the horizon, divining the future and developing strategic plans to protect and defend our organization or to prepare to exploit the disruption for growth and success.
Leaders and their organizations fail to prepare their people for disruption and whatever its impact is on them, their careers, their families, and their dinner plates.
watch the article where I explore why people are afraid of change
Because the leadership has spent all that time thinking, considering, and envisaging the change, they feel like they are already living in that new place where cats sleep with dogs, it only rains at night, and it is just enough to keep the golf course green.
Our employees only see the change in the area of old maps labelled ‘There Be Dragons.’
How prepared is your organization?
Click the image to download this 9-question assessment to see if you are ready to change ….
If you are not scoring 4s and 5s across the board, your big plans are at risk of being eaten by the dragon.
I have seen battles lost, money squandered, and opportunities frittered away because we have not brought our people along.