- The quiz should take about five minutes.
- Answer the following questions by circling the letter (A, B, C, D) that best reflects you.
- At the end of the quiz, add the number of A’s, B’s, C’s, or D’s you have.
- Then discover what kind of leader you are, as well as tips for success with that leadership style.
1. Do you enjoy working in a group setting?
A. No, telling the group what we will do is easier.
B. Groups can be a good way of promptly achieving what you want to be done.
C. I would rather let the group work alone and then give them my thoughts on what they come up with at the end of the meeting.
D. Yes, I enjoy hearing what my peers have to say.
2. A colleague comes in late for work the third day in a row after promising you it would never happen again. She begs you not to tell your supervisor. What do you do?
A. You had already told your supervisor the first time she was late, and now you will put in a complaint to HR.
B. You tell her that it will be ok and that you will make sure no one finds out.
C. You don’t want to get involved, so you slip off and perform your duties.
D. You tell her that you have already caught her up on the work she was behind but that you are worried she might get in trouble. You ask her kindly not to be late again.
3. If you had chosen a career path other than what you are doing now, which of the following would you have chosen?
A. A job in criminal justice (Judge, Police Officer, Lawyer).
B. A job in entertainment (Dancer, Singer, Actor).
C. A job in finance (Accountant, Business, Stock Broker).
D. A job in events (Event Planner, Wedding Planner, Manager)
4. Your colleague is having problems at home and is asking you for your advice at work. What do you do?
A. Tell them to keep their personal problems to themselves, especially at work.
B. Tell them everything will be ok, and you will work out a solution for them.
C. Ask them what they think they should do about the problem, and then tell them to follow their intuition.
D. Tell them you would be happy to help them every step of the way, whatever it takes.
5. How do you feel about rules?
A. You make the rules
B. It’s ok to bend the rules if you need to.
C. Rules need to be established to get work done.
D. Rules are made for a reason and should be followed.
6. A new employee was hired last month, and he still hasn’t gotten used to how fast-paced your department is. What do you do?
A. You usually tell people what to do to be efficient, and he is no different. You don’t mind directing your colleagues.
B. You encourage him to shadow you to learn how to do the job properly and efficiently, just like you.
C. You let him work the job out on his own. He was given all the necessary tools in school to be successful.
D. You tell a few colleagues about the issue and work together to ensure he gets the proper training.
7. How do you prefer to make a big decision at work?
A. I like to make the decisions and then let my colleagues know what I have decided we will do.
B. Encourage your team to see it your way; after all, you usually have the best ideas.
C. You like to let your staff know all the information needed to make the decision and then let them brainstorm on their own.
D. You like to work with your peers to find the best solution possible, even if it takes a while to arrive at a conclusion.
8. How responsible do you feel for your coworkers?
A. I feel very responsible. I have always felt nothing will ever be done on time if I don’t constantly direct my team.
B. I am somewhat responsible for them because they admire how well I do my job. They might get confused if they didn’t have me as a role model.
C. I am not responsible for any of my colleagues. They have the materials they need to succeed.
D. We are all responsible for each other.
9. When you are learning something new you,
A. Want to gather the information needed and learn the facts quickly?
B. Read some of the material, but eventually, you teach yourself how to do it independently.
C. Like to learn only the required information so you are efficiently using your time.
D. Read all the provided material, as well as research it yourself. Also, you speak to your peers and exchange information and opinions on the subject.
10. What words describe you best?
A. Powerful, efficient and independent.
B. Energetic, motivational and charming.
C. Relaxed, trusting and helpful.
D. Logical, social and creative.
Exam Time is over! Now, count your A’s, B’s, C’s and D’s:
A’s _____ B’s _____ C’s _____ D’s _____
If you have chosen mostly A’s, you are a Rigid leader.
- You are a powerful and intelligent worker; work is all about efficiency.
- You can sometimes come across as strict when you give directions, but in your mind, you are just doing your job well.
- Your leadership style is most helpful when there is a matter of urgency.
However, this leadership style can come on as too strong in most situations. By delivering your message in a friendlier way, you will be able to do your work efficiently but also as one of the most well-liked employees.
If you have chosen mostly B’s, you are a Charismatic Leader.
- You are a very energetic worker and carry a large amount of responsibility.
- You love to encourage your team to do the best that they can do, although, sometimes, you may believe that you are the only one who knows how to get tasks done correctly.
- This is not always a problem for you; this leadership style makes you likable. Your coworkers tend to admire your work ethic.
However, if you aren’t at work one day, some of your coworkers will have difficulty figuring out how to perform tasks without your direction. You need to ensure that your team has their independence from you so they can succeed as well.
If you have chosen mostly C’s, you are a Laissez-Faire Leader.
- You are a leader that expects a lot from your coworkers.
- You give them the freedom to work independently without judgment, which works well if they are proficient workers and have a lot of experience.
However, this leadership style can become disastrous if your colleagues are not as skilled as others. To avoid a lack of focus and motivation, you must make sure that you are checking in on your coworkers; They will benefit from more group work, and you will benefit from taking a more hands-on approach.
If you have chosen mostly D’s, you are a Democratic Leader.
- You are a team player and believe in equal participation; therefore, you are bothered when your peers don’t work together.
- Discussion and debate are your forte, which can hold you and your team back.
- This can be one of the most effective leadership styles because your people feel like they are being treated fairly.
However, you ensure you are using your time effectively and avoid getting caught up in being fair such that you lose sight of the task at hand.
How Did You Do?
Is There Space For Improvement?